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Rider Club Loyalty Program

It Pays to Shop at Full Cycle & Colorado Multisport!

  • Monthly exclusive offers sent directly in your inbox.
  • Earn 1 point for every $1 you spend on everything at the bike shop (bikes, accessories, service, performance, classes, etc)
  • Redeem your points for drinks or food  at the Full Cycle Café & Bar: 200 points can be redeemed at at any time for a $5 drink or food coupon
  • Redeem your points for bike shop purchases: 200 points can be redeemed in January & February for $5 in store credit at Full Cycle & Colorado Multisport

use your points on anything!

All January and February! 

Now through the end of February, your Rider Club Points are now valid on ANYTHING* here in the shop...rejoice!

As a reminder, all January long we're also offering 20% OFF all service labor (30% OFF on all suspension work!). Bring your bike in to take advantage of that screamin' deal, and you'll earn yourself a coupon for 25% OFF a single in-stock item (bikes, boots, bindings, skis, electronics excluded).

Come February, all service labor (suspension included) is 15% off!

*in-stock items only. Service labor exluded.

Program Details 
(Effective June 1, 2021)

Points Collection:

  • Earn 1 point for every $1 you spend on  the bike shop (bikes, accessories, service, performance, classes, etc)

Points Redemption:

  • 200 points can be redeemed for a free drink at the Full Cycle Café & Bar at any time of the year
  • 200 points can be redeemed for $5 store credit at the bike shop  during the whole month of February

More Perks:

  • Monthly exclusive offers directly in your inbox

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to make a purchase to join?
No. In fact, you can sign up online here.

2. When can I redeem my points?  
Points can be redeemed for bike shop purchases during the month of February. They can be redeemed at any time for bar purchases

3. Do points expire?
Not as long as you have made a purchase in the past year. If you do not make a purchase for more than a year, then they will expire.

4. How do I know how many points I have?
Every time you make a purchase, you will be sent an email telling you what you earned, and what rewards are available. You will also get a monthly digest email with an update. The monthly digest email may also include special limited time offers.

5. Do purchases made before December 1, 2017 count?

6. Can I use my points on sale items?
Yes. Anything!

7. Can points be transferred to someone else?

8. When I redeem my points for store credit, do I have to use it right away?
Yes. If you want to keep your points and use them later, do not redeem them.

9. Can I redeem points in the bar?  
Yes! 200 points gets you a $5 credit at the bar, valid at any time. 

10. Can employees, shop family members, and Full Cycle Ambassadors become rider club members?
No. Employees, some of their family and friends, and Ambassadors are not eligible.