Ride Cancellation Policy
Rides or clinics may be canceled or rescheduled if weather is poor. Please check the latest communication on our Strava Club, Instagram, or Facebook before you leave for the ride. Rides may be canceled at ride time or at any time during the ride if the weather turns poor. This is at the discretion of the ride leader. We also won’t ride if the roads are significantly wet at the start time. Although we try our best to communicate ride decisions in advance, updates may not get posted in time. Therefore, you can use the criteria below to judge the likelihood that the ride will be canceled.
What if Riders Show up for a Canceled Ride? If you go to a ride that has been canceled, you are free to ride with any other riders who show up. However, the ride will not be an official shop ride, and there won’t be a ride leader. In this event, you ride at your own risk. Colorado weather can be very unpredictable. No rider wants to be caught out in a storm!
Ride Cancellation Criteria:
Rides will be canceled if any of the following poor weather conditions are predicted for the ride by Accuweather.com hourly ( free mobile app for your phone) and/or UCAR Foothills Weather Station
- Rain or snow that will make roads wet;
- Cold Weather Conditions: “RealFeel” temperatures of less than 40 degrees;
- Thunderstorms;
- Dry, High Fire Danger Conditions: National Weather Service Red Flag Warnings;
- High Wind Conditions: Consistent wind speeds of over 30 mph or gusts of over 50 mph.
What is Accuweather “RealFeel” Temperature?
The RealFeel Temperature is an equation that takes into account many different factors to determine how the temperature actually feels outside. It takes into account multiple factors to determine how hot and cold feels. Some of the components that are used in the equation are humidity, cloud cover, winds, sun intensity and angle of the sun. Humidity is contributor to determining the RealFeel, but the time of the day also is important, due to the angle of the sun. In the morning the low angle of the sun gives off less heat because the energy is spread out. In the afternoon, the sun is overhead and the sun’s energy is more direct and gives off more energy, making it feel warmer. Wind is a component that determines how people perceive the weather. The wind can make a person feel colder because the cold wind blowing removes heat from your body.