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Weekly Group Rides

Ride Cancellation Policy

All group rides depart from Full Cycle Bikes & Colorado Multisport

2355 30th Street, Boulder, CO 80301  |  (303) 440-1002


Pre-ride caffeination & post-ride refreshments at The Full Cycle Café & Bar, located inside Full Cycle Bikes & Colorado Multisport!

You can find more info about each ride and updates on our Strava Club and RidewithGPS Shop Page, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

Etiquette & expectations for all group riders: 

  • Read & sign our ride waiver before joining;
  • View our ride cancellation policy.
  • Read through & abide by proper group riding etiquette.
  • Please park in the large parking lot behind the store (but NOT directly along the building...those are employee spots!).
  • Bikes with attached aerobars are allowed, but you MAY NOT ride in your aerobars on a Full Cycle group ride.
  • All riders should ensure their equipment is in good working order, have a spare tube and bike pump in case of flat, and know how to get back to Full Cycle (2355 30th Street, Boulder, CO 80301).

Our group ride leaders and sweepers earn credit at the bike shop and the cafe & bar...sound enticing?

 Ride Lead/Sweep Interest Form

Shop Rides Calendar

Our shop ride calendar is powered by RidewithGPS. To view these routes on mobile with essential details, user-friendly navigation, and turn-by-turn directions that work seamlessly on your device, join our shop account. You'll get all of the benefits of a RidewithGPS Premium account + a better way to stay connected with our group ride community!

Weekly Group Rides Calendar


FRIDAYS @ 12:00 PM

Our weekly 90'  ride to kick off the weekend!

Please understand that every week there will be a ride; however, there may not be a ride 'leader'.

Check our Strava Club for updates!

All levels welcome. 

  • Pick this ride if: You want to experience the best local climbs in Boulder!



Weekly road rides on tarmac. Every week we strive to have the following 3 pace groups with at least one ride leader per group.


  • Starts easy and conversational, and it becomes progressively harder, especially on pre-determined climbs or segments, with no planned regrouping. This is a DROP RIDE. Conversation will be difficult to sustain, and the group may spread out. 
  • Pick this ride if: You are extremely fit, experienced with high-speed riding in a fast-moving peloton, and really like the performance, training, and competitive aspect of cycling.


  • A moderate pace ride with parts becoming more difficult, especially on pre-determined climbs or segments, with regrouping at the end of them, within reason.  At other times during the ride it will be mellow and conversation will ensue. 
  • Pick this ride if: You are comfortable riding in a group. You'r re fit, you like to spice up your pace a bit, but not looking for a "hammer-fest". You want to get a workout in, in a social casual setting. 


  • 25 to 40 miles at a 13 to 14 mph average pace, with multiple breaks and regroups. It's easy, conversational, and all inclusive, meant to meet fellow cyclists and welcoming new riders to the sport.  “No drop” rules all the way through.
  • Pick this ride if: You are a novice cyclist, or a more experienced cyclist looking to educate & welcome new riders to the sport. 


SUNDAYS @ 10:00 AM 

Weekly gravel adventure rides on smooth gravel, single-track, fire roads, and more mixed surface riding.

Every week we strive to have the following 3 pace groups with at least one ride leader per group


  • Starts easy and conversational, and it becomes progressively harder, especially on pre-determined climbs or segments, with no planned regrouping. This is a DROP RIDE. Conversation will be difficult to sustain, and the group may spread out. 
  • Pick this ride if: You are extremely fit, experienced with high-speed riding in a fast-moving peloton, and really like the performance, training, and competitive aspect of cycling.


  • A moderate pace ride with parts becoming more difficult, especially on pre-determined climbs or segments, with regrouping at the end of them, within reason.  At other times during the ride it will be mellow and conversation will ensue. 
  • Pick this ride if: You are comfortable riding in a group. You'r re fit, you like to spice up your pace a bit, but not looking for a "hammer-fest". You want to get a workout in, in a social casual setting. 


  • A casual all day pace that you could easily carry on for several hours. It's easy, conversational, and all inclusive, meant to meet fellow cyclists and welcoming new riders to the sport.  “No drop” rules all the way through.
  • Pick this ride if: You are a novice cyclist, or a more experienced cyclist looking to educate & welcome new riders to the sport. 



Full Cycle is proud to be a frequent start/end location for the the local Cruzers (or SOBs) ride group.

The Cruzers ride group (Seniors on Bikes, or SOBs) are a Boulder bike club that hosts local casual bike rides at a 11-12 mph average pace.  Riding on weekday mornings (Tues & Thurs), the Cruzers ride groups stress safety, scenery, and socialization on their strictly "no-drop" rides.

Cruzers wait for others at all major turns along the route, and always stop to help riders with mechanical or other problems. Most routes include a food stop.

Tuesdays rides are typically ~20 miles, while Thursday rides are 25-30 miles with more hills - something with start/end locations farther from Boulder.  Routes are mostly on paved roads and bike paths, but occasionally routes are mostly unpaved, and thus require something wider than standard road tires. E-bikes are always welcome, but know that you will ride at the standard 11-12mph average pace.  There is no age minimum – if you consider yourself a senior (often retired), then you can ride with the Cruzers.

To join the Cruzers/SOBs email list for weekly ride announcements, contact their group administrator by clicking here.


***On Pause Through the Winter!***

A casual bike ride mostly on protected bike paths (paved  and some gravel) away from car traffic. Join ride leaders Mike and Susan for a great ride around town ending with coffee and burritos at The Full Cycle Café & Bar.

E-bikes are welcome on this ride, too... just don't expect to go full speed!

This is a friendly, no drop ride open to all ages, skills, and fitness levels.   We ride about 15 miles at an average  pace of 10 to 12 miles per hour. It is meant to be social and fun!


***On Pause Through the Winter!***

Join FasCat for a coach-led group ride workout, with post ride coffee & pastries back at the Full Cycle Cafe & Bar - coffee drinks are 20% off from 7-9am weekday mornings!

This is a mixed surface ride with race pace sections at times and 2 - 3 regroup spots along the way.  If you are a competitive gravel or fondo racer, this ride is for you.  If you aspire to ride faster, this group ride is ALSO for you.  All abilities are welcome because we'll regroup during the ride and everyone will finish the ride together. 

Join the FasCat Strava Club for week-to-week ride route variations and get on the FasCat App if you would like our training help (the first month is free!).


***On Pause Through the Winter!***

A weekday gravel group ride open to everyone, in partnership with the Ride or Die Collective (RDC). 

Spicy & Mild routes offered every week led by RDC ride leaders. You can view the route each week here.

RDC members get special pricing on bike rentals and food & drinks at Full Cycle Café & Bar.

Stay after the ride for our weekly Wednesday Trivia Night kicking off at 7 PM!



***On Pause Through the Winter!***

A week day road & gravel ride with Boulder Cycling Club (BCC) members. 

Road and Gravel routes available every week led by BCC ride leaders! You can view the routes each week here

The public is welcome to join these rides to try it out before becoming a member. Join here today!

BCC members get special pricing on bike rentals and on food & drinks at The Full Cycle Café & Bar.

Group Riding Etiquette


  • Show up prepared (all equipment working, water, food, ready to ride).
  • Be able to self support yourself (flat kit, water, food, etc).
  • Call out AND Point out all hazards, turns, and rider movements.
  • Ride directly behind the rider in front of you.
  • Follow all road rules: stop at red lights & stop signs.
  • Ride in the bike lane, if present (2 abreast is legal).
  • If no bike lane is present, ride single-file in a paceline.
  • Be light & gradual on the brakes.
  • Be light & gradual on the pedals as you take a pull at the front.
  • Be light & gradual as you shift.
  • Be light & gradual as you stand up off the saddle.


  • Don't be that person...late, unprepared, with malfunctioning equipment
  • Don't attack the group outside of pre-determined segments/climbs.
  • Don't half-wheel.
  • Don't sprint out of stops.
  • Don't run red lights or stop signs.
  • Don't slam on the brakes.
  • Don't ride off to the side: ride directly behind the rider in front of you.
  • Don't do anything rushed (gear changes, directional changes, etc).
  • Don't get the group in trouble or danger.